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50+ Camp

The theme of 50+ Camp 2018 is On Course.  We are excited to welcome Rick DuBose as our guest speaker for this year.  Rick is the General Treasurer of the Assemblies of God.  Our Camp Concert guest will be North Dakota native Greg Hager (  A special feature for this year will be the Dakota Heritage Exhibit, featuring pictures and documents from our history.  Along with this exhibit, we will be welcoming Darrin Rogers as our Saturday evening banquet speaker.  Darrin is the director of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center in Springfield, MO.

Speaker: Rick & Rita DuBose

Speaker: Rick & Rita DuBose

Camp Concert: Greg Hager

Camp Concert: Greg Hager

Banquet: Darrin Rogers

Banquet: Darrin Rogers

Registration Options (Click on the registration level of your choice).

  • Standard: $65 per person (Lodging in Keen Kove A or B, Eckert Lodge or RV Park - Full Hook Up).
  • Economy: $55 per person (Lodging in Cabins, Retreat Center or RV Park-Electric Only).
  • In Town: $45 per person (Arrange your own lodging in town).

Note: Group registration may be completed by clicking on the registration level of choice, and purchasing tickets for those desiring registration at that level.  You would then need to repeat the process for those registering at the other levels.

Earlier Event: June 16
Ladies Brunch
Later Event: September 28
Connect Conference